When you want your dream PC build by professionals who know what they are doing and provide honest advice, get in touch with Custom PC Genie today.
Our customers share their experience of having their PC build by Custom PC Genie on Trustpilot. There's no better feeling than having another delighted customer.
We don't like waiting for days to hear from a company, so why would we expect you to do the same? We reply to emails and text messages within hours, 6 days a week.
When you choose us to build or assemble your gaming PC, we will tune it up within 30 days of you picking it up.
If we’re unable to fix your issue through our technical knowledge when you bring your custom built PC in for repair, then we won’t charge you.
We can arrange a drop off and pickup as required.
Custom PC Genie accepts all major debit and credit cards, Apple and Google Pay.